18.4 GET_ARC, extract waveform files from the archive corresponding to S-files and register the name in the S-file.

The program uses an S-file as input (one or many files). The stations to select from the archive can be user specified, all stations with readings, all stations in archive or all stations in a given distance from the epicenter. All channels for each station are automatically selected and there is no option for selecting e.g. all Z-channels. The output file get_arc.out contains the input data with the waveform file line added. If the process is done twice and the same waveform file name is created, it will only be recorded once in the S-file. The output file must be split into the data base and possibly overwrite existing S-files. The program can also be run with arguments for the operator and file e.g. get_arc collect.out bb. This option is used when the program is called from EEV with commend ARX.

Example run

Give operator
 Give input file
 Interval in number of seconds before and after origin time
 Default (enter) is 30 and 300
50 500
 Extract stations with readings:                  enter
        all channels in archive:                      a
        for given stations interactively:             s
        for stations in a file:                       f
        for stations at given distance to epicenter:  d
        for stations to given distance to given point:p

********* Event    1   2011  129 10 0  0.0 L                     
 wavetool -start 20110129095910 -arc  -duration      550.0 -wav_out_file SEISAN -cbase cbase.inp -format MSEED                                                                                           
 Number of archive channels defined           3
  Total duration:   551.050476    
  Output waveform file name is 2011-01-29-0959-09M.NSN___003
 Extracted file 2011-01-29-0959-09M.NSN___003
  End of s-file

 Number of events in input file           1
 Number of events skipped                 0
 Output file name is get_arc.out

In details, the options are: Default: Use stations with readings. If a station has more than one reading, it is only selected once.

a: All channels in archive. If a very large network, this option might select too much.

s: For given stations. Give station codes, one per line.

f: For given stations. Give stations from a file, one per line.

d: Use all stations in archive within a given distance. If there is no epicenter, the stations in S-file will be used. If no stations in S-file, all station in archive will be used.

p: Use all stations at a given distance from a point. The user will be asked for the latitude and longitude of point and distance.

Peter Voss : Tue Jun 8 13:38:42 UTC 2021